About Us
Trains, Planes & Automobiles are purveyors of collectables and antique toys, through our shop and our regular toy auctions. Our first shop was established over 30 years ago in Annandale, Sydney. Around 20 years ago we expanded to the Beautiful Blue Mountains, where our shops have attracted antique toy buffs from all over the world.
Two years ago, we moved to The Gearin in Katoomba, where we have our shop and Auction Rooms (see the map below).
For many years we have been known as "The best antique toy shop in the world" and our focus has been on selling pre-loved toys from pre-1900 to the present day.
We hold regular auctions of trains, diecast cars, tinplate toys and other collectables, both old and new. Our First Monday Toy Auction has been running for over 8 years, originally in Mount Victoria, but now in our Auction Rooms at Katoomba. All of our regular auctions are broadcast on the internet, so you can watch and place bids live online. We also conduct special auctions at Sydney venues when we receive private collections of particular interest.
If you're looking for something special or you have toys you'd like to sell, please get in touch with us, and make sure you join our mailing list to receive our regular newsletters.
Trains, Planes and Automobiles at The Gearin